Jane Fonda’s Bottom

In the mid 70’s I was a stage hand at a benefit concert for H.U.D. The guest speakers were Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda. My band “Section 8” was, also, playing that benefit. I had set up their mics and was heading back to the stage for something.

Jane Fonda had her back to me, speaking to someone, and I noticed that if I just walked straight ahead, the back of my hand would….just….graze her bottom.

This was before the whole Jane Fonda Workout videos thing but after I had seen Barbarella, as a 16 year old. (My first R Rated movie). It was around the time she made Klute. She was really beautiful and they were both very nice.

Anyway….I did it…..bump-bump…I wouldn’t ever have done that, as an adult but I was less self restrained back then. One for the history books.


Author: myentertaininglife-stevecarter

I am a lifelong musician, spent the majority of my career playing in Austin, Texas. I am, originally from Baltimore, Md. I am married and have 2 kids (Well, "kids", son-33 and daughter-24, from marriage 1 and 2, third time's a charm. At 63, I am still in 4 working bands. I have played with many of my idols. I have traveled, mostly, to Europe, to play. I LOVE history and am blessed to have traveled to many "dream" historical sites.

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