Dream #1

So, I do this this “thing’ where I keep a book by my bed and when I wake up to pee, in the middle of the night, I write my dream down in the book, while it’s fresh in my mind. I don’t read them and won’t until the book is full because…..you know how quickly we forget what we were dreaming…..


I was on a bike talking to my friend Julie on my cell phone. She told me she was attending some woman’s birth and had a few minutes to talk. She told me that she knew a woman who thought I was cute. Then she said that she thought she could talk that woman into giving me oral sex. I said “That would be nice” and she said “You want sex? I’ll give you sex!” I was about to tell her that I always liked her bottom but I said “Hang on a minute, I’m turning around on a highway and can’t hear you”. I found myself walking the bike through a patch of cedar trees in a median.

I was out near Fredericksburg and by the time I reached the other side of the median it had gotten dark. I had left home after my father, Bob Hope, had gone to bed early and they didn’t know I had left so I was trying to get home before they found out.

The bike was powder blue. I noticed that the tire was flat and as I examined it, it was actually dry-rotted and in pieces so I started to hitch-hike, carrying the bike on my shoulder.

A white van pulled over but as I ran toward it I realized it was a family pulling over to go to a party at the convenience store ahead on the right. They waved me on. As I walked past the van I found myself at a border crossing in a rail station with a train on my left. Walking along with other people, I suddenly noticed officers in uniform ahead of and behind me. My bike had turned into an olive green shoulder bag. I realized that I had about $50 on me (which is what is actually in my wallet, right now) and that I may have to bribe the officers. A small Mexican man, in uniform, on my left, sidled up next to me and said “That is a lot of money for a bike…several thousand dollars”. He held up a cell phone where he had intercepted a call about me having lots of money. “I know the code you used”, he said. I said “That was a joke!” angrily because, somehow, I knew about that call he had heard but I really didn’t have thousands of dollars on me. I said “You can search me!”….he grinned and said “Oh, we will” but it was like some “Treasure of the Sierra Madre” voice….”Oh’ wee weeeeel”. Scary.

I was led into some sort of big shed and I thought to myself, maybe, I should run because it didn’t seem like they were right there. with me. As I thought that, 2 men in front of me (fellow prisoners, I guess) took off running and jumped through a gap in an adobe wall. I followed them and jumped through it, too.

I am up at 12:30 am writing this. …………….Now…..back to bed.Mexican police


Author: myentertaininglife-stevecarter

I am a lifelong musician, spent the majority of my career playing in Austin, Texas. I am, originally from Baltimore, Md. I am married and have 2 kids (Well, "kids", son-33 and daughter-24, from marriage 1 and 2, third time's a charm. At 63, I am still in 4 working bands. I have played with many of my idols. I have traveled, mostly, to Europe, to play. I LOVE history and am blessed to have traveled to many "dream" historical sites.

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