Hydroponics in My Chevy II, My First Car and My First Pot Plant.

Liberty Lunch

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is chevy-ii.jpgThe first car I ever had was a 1963  Chevy II that my girlfriend had bought for $300, in 1979. I bought it from her after I had borrowed it and my beloved Malemute, Jaco, tore up the back seat and threw the cushioning out of the window.

She bought it in Baytown, Texas from a friend of my mother. I had moved from Baltimore in 1975 and had, neither, a driver’s license OR a car……Didn’t need one. I was city boy. So, I got my license and fled Baytown for urban Houston. I was a wannabe musician and the place to be was Austin, it was already legendary in my mind. The Armadillo World Headquarters was there and I had heard albums recorded there, notably Frank Zappa, Commander Cody, and Doug Sahm.

Well, I moved to “heaven” and went out to see music EVERY NIGHT. It was truly amazing. Eventually, I did a reggae gig with a band I had been playing with in Baytown. I schmoozed my way to sit in with The Austin All-Stars, Extreme Heat and The Lotions, the popular reggae band. (It didn’t hurt that I owned a busy used record store in town and knew a slew of musicians-see RECYCLED RECORDS entryRecycled Records 34th and Guadelupe 1980

Eventually, I earned a spot with THE LOTIONS, not a band member, technically, but I played with them all the time, including Houston/Dallas/San Antonio dates. Their main Austin Club was Liberty Lunch. Anyone who ever played there, or hung out there, will tell you it was incredible.

21270786_10155127503678795_1659158060191566885_nLotions Paramount 1

So, back to my first car….the air conditioner had a leak under the right side of my dashboard that would leave about an inch of water sloshing around in the passenger side floorboard, making waves as I drove along. Not being mechanically inclined and rather than pay to have it fixed I just took a hammer and a Phillips head screwdriver and pounded about 5 holes through the floorboard of the car, so it would drain. Smart huhLiberty Lucnh

One night on the way home, from a gig at Liberty Lunch, I looked down to my right and “Lo and Behold”…..there was a PERFECT little pot plant growing out of my carpet. It was beautiful and looked like a tiny palm tree growing in an oasis. I proudly left it there for a few days, to show friends but finally plucked it because I thought the Police might not think it was as cool as I did,


PS, The Baltimore Kid got to play one gig, with the Lotions, at The Armadillo World Headquarters….how about that?

Armadillo World Headquarters