Lifelong JFK/Oswald obsession.

Well, I don’t know if I’d call it an obsession, more like a fascination. My best friend growing up, Mike Fitchett, had books and articles about the JFK assassination. His father was a ballistics expert who had tested the Mannlicher Carcano rifle that Oswald used. Mike loved true crime stuff and his dad told him Oswald could not have done it with that rifle. This was still in the 60s. When Mike and I moved from Baltimore to Austin in the late 70s, first thing, we went to Dallas to see Dealey Plaza. Last year I was in Dallas and Arlington National Cemetery. In Dallas I took photos of the house where Lee Harvey Oswald took the infamous rifle photo. I also went to 3 cemeteries and took pics of Oswald’s grave as well as Officer J. D. Tippitt’s grave. He was the cop that Oswald “allegedly” killed. (Incidentally, Tippit is buried very close to Stevie Ray Vaughan’s graves) Finally, on to Abraham Zapruder, who took the most famous film of Kennedy being killed. A month before Dallas I took a photo of JFK’s grave when I visited Arlington National Cemetery. I took the photo of Allen Dulles grave (CIA), who I believe was instrumental in Kennedy’s death, in Baltimore at Greenmount Cemetery. Nearby is John Wilkes Booth. Greenmount is a good burial spot for assassins.

I love history. It’s so fascinating.

Personally, I believe the CIA killed JFK and Oswald was a “patsy”, but that’s a whole ‘nother story.

Here are my photos. The last